Adaptive Yoga --  CAPE COD

Discover the many benefits of yoga such as improved core strength, flexibility and balance as well as pain and stress management. Yoga is a great way to deepen body awareness and overall sense of well being. Poses can be done seated or standing.

Held outside on the waterfront, beach location at Cliff Pond in Nickerson State Park. Held under a tent if raining. Jane is a nurse and adaptive sports coach with a passion for bringing healing through sports to people living with disability, injury and the effects of trauma. She brings a depth of knowledge to her yoga teaching practice. Using a combination of music, humor, props, intelligent sequencing and inspirational messages, Jane creates a template for her classes which she then modifies to meet the needs of each student in the room. Her classes are accessible to students of all levels and to those who may need modification due to a disability or injury. Mats, blocks, straps, blankets, chairs, and bolsters will be provided. Follow the main park road to Fisherman's Landing at Cliff Pond.


McGraw Center for Adaptive Sports
3488 Main St (Route 6A)

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Available Times

The date of this activity is in the past