Horseback Riding -- NORTH SHORE
North Andover
Horseback riding is recognized as one of the more progressive forms of therapeutic recreation and is an ideal activity to supplement traditional therapy. Horses are carefully chosen and trained with adaptive equipment to make riding accessible for those with physical and or cognitive disabilities. The ability to command a horse as well as one's own body inspires self-confidence and create a special relationship between rider and horse. For some horseback riding programs Financial Grants may be available to support a portion of the session cost. So, if you need this please ask about this when you register.
Spaulding Staff and or Volunteers will consult with Windrush on their patients several times during the session for this class only.
For registration contact:
Jen Wright -
Windrush Farms
479 Lacy Street
North Andover
Thursday, March 16, 2023
This session is in a series. The date to register for the series is past.
The date of this activity is in the past